Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Drinking and Driving...What do you think

In 2002, 29 percent of drivers aged 15 to 20 who died in traffic accidents had been drinking alcohol.
Source: Traffic Safety Facts 2002: Young Drivers, National Highway Traffic Administration. U.S. Department of Transportation, 2003

In today's society, drinking and driving is a huge problem. Too many young people are driving drunk, and the consequences are severe. Many people don't realize when they have had too much to drink, and later regret driving. Also, people do not realize that driving buzzed is driving drunk.

What are your opinions on drinking and driving. Have you ever been affected by a drunk driver? Please share your stories and opinions on drinking and driving.

Please let us know what you think by clicking on the "Comments" link below.


  1. I personally have always felt strongly about drinking and driving. Though I do not think everyone is impaired after one drink, it scares me to think people are making that decision for everyone on the road.

    When I go out, I try to remove that decision from ever even coming up. I generally assure a ride or decide to walk instead of having to play a math game in my head to determine whether I can drive or not.

  2. I've never been personally impacted by someone who was driving drunk. I've had friends get DUIs and get in wrecks or arrested. I've never ridden with anyone who was driving drunk nor have I driven under the influence. But it's just something that I can't describe any other way than being selfish. It's irresponsible and I usually do whatever I can to try and keep it from happening. This is one reason I always volunteer to stay sober or if I can't control someone else I'll try to give them a ride or if they insist, I'll follow them in my car. I just get worried a lot. It's an unnecessary risk and can affect people's lives in terrible ways.
